
Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

Tulisan Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

What I will be in 5 years

I am a student at university in Indonesia. My majors is accounting. I choose accounting because when i was in high school i’ve liked accounting. Next year, i will be graduating as bachelor of economics. When my graduation i will wear pink kebaya, because my favorite colour is pink, then i would take pictures with my family.
After graduate i will work in a reputable company. I will work as an accountant, because according to my major. I will get salary, half of my salary will be saving. In addition to working at the company, i would like to have other income. I want to have a car repair shop, because it is the desire of my father before he died. I want to make my parents happy and i intend to go to Mecca with my parents for Hajj. I will to achieve it in two years later.
After that i will marry, then pregnant and have a baby. When my child was three years old, i will continue my education in level magister. And than i will focus on developing my car repair shop. After having that i will have a retaurant business because i like culinary. I would have another child, and i will live happily with my little family.

It can not be separated from the efforts, hard work, and prayer. Hopefully all my wishes will be achieved. 

Tugas 3 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Paragraf: 1- 2, Judul Buku: Laporan Keuangan Sesuai IFRS dan PSAK, Halaman: 15
Faithfull Presentation (penyajian tepat) mengandung arti bahwa laporan keuangan yang disajikan menggambarkan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. Investor adalah pihak luar yang bukan auditor. Dengan demikian investor tidak punya waktu untuk mengevaluasi secara mendalam apa yang disajikan perusahaan. Investor mengandalkan apa yang dilaporkan manajemen ke investor.
Completeness (kelengkapan) ini untuk menjamin tidak ada yang disembunyikan dari laporan keuangan tersebut. Penghilangan informasi tertentu dari laporan bisa jadi sangat berpengaruh bagi penilaian investor terhadap laporan keuangan. Misalnya saja informasi piutang sebuah perusahaan tidak dilengkapi dengan cadangan penghapusannya. Dalam hal ini investor berada dalam tanda tanya tentang besarnya cadangan penghapusan. Padahal besarnya cadangan penghapusan berhubungan secara erat dengan kualitas piutang berupa tingkat kolektibilatasnya.
Paragraph: 1-2, Title: Financial Statements According to IFRS and PSAK , Page: 15
Faithfull Presentation is financial statements which describe what the truth going on. Investor is outside user which not auditor. In that times the investor can’t have the time for in deep evaluate, what publish the company. The investor trade on what’s the report to management.
Completeness for guarantee there is noting hidden on the financial statements. On the passed information from report can influence to the value from investor based on financial statements. In this case the receivable information of company can’t complete with write-off  allowance. On this case the investor around question about how amount write-off allowance. Besides the amount write-off allowance can be related with the quality of receivable from level collectivity.

Kamis, 07 Mei 2015


·         I can believe with you.
·         I can’t believe with you.
·         Can I believe with you?

·         He can run for sea games.
·         He can’t run for sea games.
·         Can he run for sea games?

·         I will win the game and beat you.
·         I will not win the game and beat you.
·         Will I win the game and beat you?

·         You may take your books in my bag.
·         You mayn’t take your books in my bag.
·         May you take your books in my bag?

·         You must go to school tomorrow.
·         You mustn’t  go to school tomorrow
·         Must you go to school tomorrow?

·         I think, she shall back to Tokyo.
·         I think, she shall not back to Tokyo.
·         Shall she back to Tokyo?

·         You could take the picture in my home.
·         You couldn’t take the picture in my home.
·         Could you take the picture in my home?

·         Might I’m same with him.
·         Mightn’t I’m same with him.
·         I’m might same with him?

·         I should play futsal tonight.
·         I should not play futsal tonight.
·         Should I play futsal tonight?

·         Mama have to cooking fish for garra.
·         Mama have to not cooking fish for garra.
·         Have to mama cooking fish for garra?

Future tense

·         Look at him, he will be shy.
·         Look at him, he will not be shy.
·         Will he be shy?

·         I hope he will win.
·         I hope he will not win.
·         Will he win?

·         I just believe you, but I will go to the hospital.
·         I just believe you, but I will not goto the hospital.
·         Will I go to hospital?

·         You will win and never lose if you smart.
·         You will not win and never lose if you smart.
·         Will you win?

·         The heavy rain will come.
·         The heavy rain will not come.
·         Will the heavy rain come?

·         You will fight to the death.
·         You will not fight to the death.
·         Will you fight to the death?

·         I will study hard.
·         I will not study hard.
·         Will I study hard?

·         He is going to school
·         He is not going to school.
·         Is he going to school?

·         We are going to library.
·         We are not going to library
·         Are we going to library?

·         I am going to airport.
·         I am not going to airport.
·         Am I going to airport?