
Jumat, 24 April 2015

Tugas Softskill 1

Metode Riset Untuk Bisnis, hal. 6
Penelitian bisnis dapat didefinisikan sebagai usaha yang sistematis dan terorganisasi untuk menyelidiki masalah spesifik yang dihadapi dalam konteks dunia kerja, yang membutuhkan sebuah solusi. Penelitian bisnis terdiri atas serangkaian langkah yang direncanakan dan dilakukan, dengan tujuan menemukan jawaban terhadap isu-isu yang menjadi perhatian manajer dalam lingkungan kerja. Hal ini berarti bahwa langkah pertama dalam penelitian adalah mengetahui dimana letak masalah yang muncul dalam organisasi, dan mengenali sejelas dan serinci mungkin masalah yang perlu dipelajari dan di pecahkan. Setelah masalah yang memerlukan perhatian didefinisikan dengan jelas, maka dapat diambil langkah-langkah untuk mengumpulkan informasi, menganalisis data, dan menentukan faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan masalah dan memecahkannya dengan mengambil tindakan korektif yang diperlukan.

Simple Present Tense
Research Methods For Business, Page 6
Business research can be define as a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem encountered in the work setting, that needs a solution, it comprises a series of steps design and execute, with the goal of find answers to the issues that are of concern to the manager in the work environment. This means that the first step research to know where the problem areas exist in the organization, and to indentify as clearly and specifically as possible the problem that needs to be studies and resolve, once the problem that needs attention is clearly define, than steps can be take to gather information, analize the data, and determine the factors that are associate with the problem and solve it by take the necessary corrective measures.

Past Tense
Research Methods For Business, Page 6
          Business research can be defined as a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem encountered in the work setting, that needed a solution, it comprise a series of steps designed and executed, with the goal of found answers to the issue that are of concern to the manager in the work environment. This meant that the first step in research do knew where the problem area exist in the organization, and to identify as clearly and specifically as possible the problems that need to be studied and resolved once the problem that needed attention clearly defined, than step can be took to gather information, analize the data, and determine the factors that the associated with the problem and solve it by took the necessary corrective measured.